
The Christian Sport Bike Association is an outreach ministry committed to Jesus. We ride with a purpose. We aim to build and encourage fellowship within the association. We are committed in our attempts to follow the example of Jesus. We believe Jesus died for our sins and that He is the way, the only way to God.

The CSBA is made up of different age groups, backgrounds and denominations. Some of our members are involved in racing, some ride every day, others only on weekends. But we all get a buzz from riding.

If you're walking with Jesus, join us.
If you've fallen off the path, join us.
If you're uncertain of the path, join us.

We promise no worldly gain or accolades.

We do promise new friendships, fast roads and an exciting ride.

Want to Know More?

  • The CSBA is an organization tending to the spiritual needs of motorcyclists.
  • The CSBA promotes fellowship and evangelism between motorcyclists, whether riders are members of the CSBA or not.
  • The CSBA membership strives to know its members, assist where possible in life’s struggles, encourage one another and love one another as Christ loves us.
  • Members have the opportunity to talk about new products, motorcycles and items of general interest.
  • Members are entitled to use the services of the CSBA for the purpose of meeting other motorcyclists and share the passion of being on two wheels in service to Jesus Christ.
  • Members also engage in Christian activities, community charities, actions, gatherings, including, but not limited to, social programs designed to promote motorcycling, motorcycle safety and promotion of the image of motorcyclists in a positive light.
  • Please review the CSBA Mission and prayerfully consider your decision before joining us to do God’s work.

Full Membership

A Full Member:

  • does not need to own or ride a motorcycle to be a member.
  • should have an interest in the CSBA, its purpose and sport motorcycling.
  • must first qualify for membership and pay the annual full membership fee.
  • may participate in all club functions.
  • has the right to vote on any club issue at any meeting where a vote has been called.
  • can hold CSBA offices (Full Members only).

All brands of motorcycles are welcome.

Associate Membership

An Associate Member:

  • must qualify for membership and pay the annual associate member fee.
  • is associated with a full member living in the same household.
  • can participate in all club events.
  • is welcome to any club meeting but cannot vote on any issues.
  • may not be nominated or hold office in the CSBA.

The CSBA Global Office manages all membership applications.


  • Full Membership fees - $20.00 per year payable upon joining and payable annually.
  • Associate Membership fees - $10.00 per year payable upon joining and payable annually.
  • Lifetime Membership fee - $200.00 paid once entitles you to lifetime membership.
  • Membership fees are payable to the Christian Sport Bike Association.
  • Membership fees are not payable until your application is reviewed and accepted.
  • Further information will be emailed to you once your application is accepted.

Apply online if you are interested in joining the Christian Sport Bike Association:

Apply for CSBA Membership

If you have questions regarding the CSBA, feel free to contact us.